Solar Panels

Why Do Oregon Solar Companies Need My Utility Bill?

Let Us Count the Ways

It has become a standard practice for solar installation companies to request potential customers to provide a copy of their electric utility bill during initial consultations. This may seem like an unnecessary invasion of privacy at first glance, but examining a customer’s electric bill is actually pivotal in enabling solar companies to design systems tailored to each household’s unique energy requirements.

The data contained within electric utility bills allows solar professionals to gain invaluable insight into a property’s historical energy usage patterns and current costs. Armed with this information, they can appropriately size solar arrays to adequately meet the customer’s electricity demands, accurately project potential cost savings, and customize financial incentives and packages. As such, while handing over an electric bill to solar consultants may feel intrusive initially, it is an indispensable step in receiving a solar solution catered to your specific needs and objectives. The bill provides vital clues that transform generic solar packages into customized energy plans while answering the question: why do solar companies need my electric bill?

1. Understanding Energy Consumption

To design a solar system that truly caters to a home’s energy requirements, solar companies need a comprehensive understanding of the property’s electricity consumption patterns. This is best gained by examining the customer’s electric bill over the past year.

The bill provides valuable insight into how energy usage fluctuates seasonally. Consumption usually peaks in the summer months due to air conditioning needs. It declines in winter as heating is often powered by gas or oil.

Utility bills also reveal monthly highs and lows in electricity demand. August may be a peak month while January is lower. This helps determine the solar array size needed during peak production and consumption times.

Furthermore, bills indicate peak energy usage times during the day. If most consumption occurs in the evening when solar production is minimal, more batteries may be needed for overnight power storage.

Careful analysis of electric bills ensures the designed solar system will adequately meet the customer’s unique energy demands during all seasons and times of day. Right-sizing the system is crucial for optimal renewable energy production and bill savings.

2. Assessing Current Energy Rates

Local Utility Rate Structures

Electric bills provide insight into a customer’s current utility rate structure, which is crucial information for designing an optimal solar solution. This includes deciphering complex time-of-use rates that charge different prices per kilowatt-hour depending on the time of day and tiered rate systems that charge higher rates after energy usage passes set thresholds.

By analyzing time-of-use and tiered rate structures, solar companies can better align solar energy production with peak usage times to maximize savings. They can also properly size the solar system to avoid pushing customers into more expensive tiers.

Predicting Future Costs

Electric bills also reveal historical rate changes by the utility, which assists in predicting future electricity costs. By understanding past rate hikes and trends, solar companies can make more accurate forecasts about a customer’s future energy costs without solar. This allows them to demonstrate potential long-term cost savings from locked-in solar energy rates.

Accurately assessing both current rate structures and probable future rate increases helps solar companies right-size solar systems and financial packages to deliver optimal long-term value for customers.

3. The Role of EV Chargers

With the rise in electric vehicle (EV) ownership, the demand for home energy consumption has increased, meaning the need for solar energy has also grown. As more drivers opt for EVs over gas-powered cars, additional load is placed on the electrical grid. Home solar system installations that are integrated with EV chargers allow EV owners to maximize their use of renewable energy for transportation needs, aligning with an eco-friendly lifestyle.

Clipper creek commercial ev fleet charger install

Seeing a customer’s electric bill provides solar companies with data on how much extra energy an EV might require from the home. Solar professionals can then factor in the EV’s electrical demands when designing a solar system for the property. This ensures the system is adequately sized to cover both the home’s traditional electrical loads and the supplemental demand from EV charging. Having the proper solar capacity means customers can rely on their panels to power their EV charging as much as possible.

Moreover, installing solar panels to produce renewable energy to charge an EV can lead to greater cost savings. Solar companies can analyze electric bills to estimate potential bill reductions from offsetting EV charging costs with solar power. This allows customers to understand the cost benefits of powering their electric car with solar energy versus utility-supplied electricity. With this insight, solar professionals can propose systems tailored to maximize savings for EV owners.

4. Customizing Financial Options and Incentives

The electric bill provides crucial details that allow solar companies like Energy Solution of Oregon to identify incentives and rebates you may qualify for, and customize financing options tailored to your needs.

Identifying Eligible Incentives

Your utility bills indicate if you meet eligibility requirements for solar incentives offered by the state, federal government, utility company, or other organizations. For example, Oregon has a residential Energy Tax Credit that provides eligible homeowners with a tax credit up to $6,000 when installing a solar system. Understanding your household energy consumption from the electric bill helps determine if you qualify.

Tailored Financing Options

In addition to incentives, your electric bill offers insight into potential electricity cost savings from switching to solar power. Our solar experts can use this data to estimate your return on investment time frame, and structure financing options aligned with your savings. We may recommend options like solar loans, power-purchase agreements, or leasing structures to fit your needs and budget. Our goal is designing a solar system and financial plan that delivers the greatest long-term value.

5. Enhancing Grid Integration

Ensuring Grid Compatibility

When designing a solar system for your home, it’s crucial that the system is fully compatible with your local electrical grid. Your monthly electricity bill contains key details about your home’s electrical service that solar installers need to know. This includes the service voltage (120/240V in most homes), as well as the amperage capacity of your home’s electrical panel. With this information, installers can select solar equipment like inverters that integrate seamlessly with your grid connection. Poorly matched systems can lead to backfeeding issues or even blackouts. By analyzing your electric bill ahead of time, installers ensure your new solar power system will sync flawlessly with the greater grid.

Net Metering Considerations

Your electricity bill also provides the springboard for assessing potential net metering savings. With net metering, surplus solar energy is exported back to the grid, spinning your meter backwards and earning credit. The value of this credit varies by state and utility company – some reimburse at the retail electricity rate while others pay less. Based on your current electric rates and Oregon net metering policy, installers can estimate your long-term savings from net metering solar energy. This helps them right-size your system to maximize return through net metering benefits. With your electric bill in hand, installers have the necessary starting point to explore your home’s net metering possibilities.

6. Privacy and Confidentiality

Energy Solution of Oregon recognizes that a customer’s personal information and electricity usage data is highly confidential. When requesting to view your monthly electricity bills, rest assured that our experienced consultants only seek to gain key insights to design the ideal solar energy system for your home. We are fully committed to safeguarding any sensitive information you choose to share with us during the consultation process. You can trust that we will always be transparent about how we intend to utilize your data to provide you with the most customized solar solution.

At Energy Solution of Oregon, we pride ourselves on building open and trusting relationships with our customers in the Oregon City community. We aim to make the process of switching to solar power as smooth and stress-free as possible. You can rely on our solar experts to be upfront about every detail, keeping your best interests in mind. We will never share your personal information without your explicit consent, and ensure full compliance with data protection regulations. 

Feel confident entrusting our capable team with your electricity bills, knowing we cherish the transparency and mutual understanding vital to any successful solar installation. Our unwavering commitment is to serve you in the most ethical, accountable manner possible.


The electric bill provides crucial insights that enable solar companies like Energy Solution of Oregon to design systems that are uniquely tailored to each customer’s energy consumption patterns, existing rates, incentives, and overall needs. By thoroughly analyzing a customer’s electric bill and usage history, solar consultants can determine the optimal system specifications, accurately project potential cost savings, identify applicable rebates and financing options, and ensure seamless integration with the local grid.

This level of customization is only possible with a comprehensive understanding of the customer’s current energy profile, as outlined in their electric utility bill. In the end, requesting to see this important document reflects a solar company’s sincere commitment to providing solutions that are fine-tuned to each customer’s distinct requirements and financial objectives.

For Oregon City residents interested in going solar, sharing your electric bill with Energy Solution of Oregon is an essential step on the path to maximizing the benefits of renewable energy.

Get Your Free Consultation

Establish contact with Energy Solution of Oregon today to schedule a comprehensive consultation regarding your home’s solar energy needs. Our solar experts have the skills and experience required to analyze your electric bill, energy consumption, and specific requirements in order to design a custom solar system that maximizes savings.

We strive to make the transition to solar energy as seamless as possible for Oregon City homeowners. Our passion is providing personalized solar solutions that align with your lifestyle and financial objectives. Don’t hesitate to reach out, we are eager to assist you in harnessing the power of the sun!

With Energy Solution of Oregon as your partner, you can rest assured your residential solar design will be optimized, your investment will yield returns, and your home will operate more sustainably. Contact us now to get started! Or check out our solar power installer guide for more information.